Well, it is the last day of 2009 and the holidays sure were great! We spent the Christmas week down at my sister's place in Medicine Hat and just had a lot of fun together. We got there on the 21 and spent the next day or so doing Christmas baking and playing lots of games of course! We made a batch of lefse this year and it sure didn't last long! It's one of my family's Christmas traditions and we don't fancy skipping out on it often. In case you don't know what it is, it's a thin potato pancake thing and you put butter and sugar on it and roll it up! So delicious, although a lot of people don't really like it. It might be an acquired taste ;). The next morning we went and did some last minute shopping for food and stuff for boxing day and whatnot. That proved to be a busy one because of all the last minute Christmas shoppers! Superstore and Costco were a nightmare!! But we got out of there without a bruise, so all was well! The next night we went to Terry's mom and dad's place and visited with them on Christmas Eve. We went to the Christmas Eve candelight service at their church first and then went over to their place afterwards. Then on Christmas morning, we woke up around 9 and began opening presents, and boy did we all get spoiled this year!! It was really fun to watch Evan "open" presents this year, although he was definitely more interested in the wrapping paper than he was in the presents! So Marlys just opened his presents and gave him the wrapping paper to play with haha. Christmas day, Terry's mom and dad were having the Christmas dinner at their place and they invited all of us over so we spent another day at their place feasting and playing games, and again, hot tubbing. We went home pretty late and all just crashed from the hot tubbing I think. The next day, my dad, Terry and I went snowboarding out at Hidden Valley ski hill in the Cypress hills! It was so much fun, but I hadn't done it in probably 2 seasons so I was pretty sore for awhile afer, and I actually still have a sore ligament in my hip that I pulled pretty bad near the end of the day! But it was still worth the pain. When we went back home, Mom and Marlys had gotten a early Birthday fondue party going to me! It was so fun. We did meat and veggies in oil, and then of course the fruit and chocolate. My birthday "cake" was half an apple with sparklers in it, but I loved it :) Then the next day, we had to say goodbye and we headed home. Now we're looking at just a quiet evening at home tonight playing games and welcoming in the new year! I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and have a safe and Happy New Year!!!!
Mom, Marlys, Evan and I on the couch (just Evans head haha)
Dad and Evan playing under the table. Too funny!
Evan "opening" Gifts
His Christmas Loot!
Mom and Dad bought Kyle a used Guitar for Christmas! He loved it.
My Birthday "Cake"
Birthday Fondue!!
The big 9 month old boy!
So funny! I was playing with Evan, and halfway through, Marlys comes and my mom says
"oh look there's mommy!" and he turns and looks at my sister and just holllers at her. Too good!