Wednesday, May 20, 2009

2 diplomas in 2 years?

I just enrolled in an online Graphic Design course yesterday afternoon. It's a do it at your own pace kind of course and I have a year to complete it!! I'm hoping to finish it before going back to NAIT in September, but if I have to keep at it for another month, I think I'll be ok. I'm pretty excited about it. So far it seems pretty cool! I think it'll look pretty good on a resume for a twenty year old to have two college diplomas already! Woo hoo! Hopefully I can stick with it and get it done!

If you want to check out the website it's It's an online school specifically for graphic you can tell :) And for those of you who don't know, I'm pretty much doing graphic design full time for a summer job this year. It's been pretty neat!

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