This past week I was able to go to GP to do a week long work experience with a professional photographer. I had a great time with her learning how her business works, how she organizes everything and I even got to help her out at a president's ball last Saturday night! It was a really formal event and she had a booth set up in the corner where people could come and get their photos taken. The theme was "New York, New York" so she had a new york landscape painted to hang in the background with a street sign and a new york park bench! She was going to have a yellow taxi cab brought it, but I guess there were some problems, so she was a little disappointed, as was I because that would have been so neat! Then throughout the week she just showed me around her office and her studio. It was really great! We also had a girls day at Brent & Chantelle's house on Friday with Janessa, Jillaine, and Maryn. The power was out when they first came over because it snowed a foot in 2 days, but when the power came on Chantelle and I did the girls hair and makeup and we had a photoshoot! I had brought up some lights for the week because I needed Logan and Davis to pose for two projects I had to do, so we used the lights and had a photoshoot with the girls! I don't have any of the girls photos finished yet. I was only able to finish Logan and Davis' because I'm actually home sick from school. My immune system has been out of whack for quite awhile and was just starting to get better, but while in GP I was in contact with a lot of sick people with who knows what they had. So that was for now I'm planning on relaxing today and getting in some much needed rest! I have a few photos to post from Davis and Logan's shoots, and actually, one of the photos of Logan I think is my most favorite photo I've ever taken in my career so far! Lighting turned out great, I love the composition, his expression is good for the mood of the photo, I just like it. I'll show it to you now :)

Here are some of the other ones from the boys'

This one we laughed at because with the washing machines in the back, it looks like he's sad that his vest shrunk hahah.

*Note* November 9 - I showed my teacher that shot of Logan because I wanted to use it for a high key portrait for class and I wanted to make sure it was high key enough (which it was) Then he asked me "Did you take that photo with Lori? (The lady I shadowed under) And I said I took it when I had my free time, and he said, I quote, "Holy Crap Girl!" He was so impressed! Woo hoo! :D
hey GREAT pictures Kari good job. Can I put them up on the Kennedy blog?
yeah, Mrs. K has them on CD, so you can put some of those up for sure.
Wow, love Logan's eye colour in that one...Can I repost it on my blog and link to you? Too awesome!! Will you be in GP over Christmas/New YEars? We'll pay you to do some fam shots of us!
Yeah sure! I'm not sure if I'll be in the GP area over Christmas or not. But if I am I'll let you know! :D
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