Sunday, March 14, 2010

Clara's Birthday

We had the pleasure of going back to GP this weekend to attend a family friend's 65th birthday party. It was a really great weekend! She had a music night with many musical acts. The Kennedy's played and she had her family do a few songs and they were all so good! She also called my mom awhile ago and asked if Logan and I would do a song that we did before I moved to Edmonton, so we did! We were unfortunately only able to practice for not even an hour, so we didn't do as good as we could have, but it was still fun! We were both pretty nervous too! Anyways, here's the video so you can see for yourselves. This version of "On Christ the Solid Rock" was arranged by Janna McPhee.


Darla said...

love this!! good job. I know how it goes with no practice time, but it still sounds so good!!

Kari said...

Thanks Darla! We had a lot of fun despite us both shaking the whole time haha :)