Thursday, July 5, 2012

One year of sheer bliss...

We *recently* had our first year anniversary...well, recently as in about 3 weeks ago :) We had a very low key anniversary as we had just moved into our new house about 2 days prior, and my mom and dad were here helping us move/visiting. They had just went home and we really wanted to relax, so we didn't do much! We ordered pizza (straight to our door! Logan was really excited) Ate specialty chocolates and watched movies together, my favorite kind of night :)
It's hard to believe it has been a year already. I guess the saying "time flies when you're having fun" is not an exaggeration! I've learned a lot over this last year a few of them being:
1. Logan is a terrific encourager and leader
2. Logan also is a terrific procrastinator, at least when it comes to *me* getting things done!!
3. I'm not as patient and kind as I thought I was (that was a rude awakening!)
4. After a stressful day, the fastest way to feel better is to laugh. Logan's good at making me do that.
5. Always keep the house stocked with a few essentials: chocolate syrup, ice cream, milk and cheese. Oh and meat...lots of meat!
6. "couch time" is my favorite time of the day. It's where we sit down on the bed or the couch and just talk about each other's days, encourage each other and pray.
7. I'm a fantastic Halo Player, especially with Logan as my teammate ;)
8. We can't make it without God being the center. Marriage is hard.
9. I have anger issues :P
10. My love for Logan does not stop, it grows each and every day. I love him more today than I did last year (if that was possible!)

It has been the best year of my life. There is no exaggeration to that! Logan is my best friend, my supporter, my encourager and my love. Here's to the rest of our lives... :)

1 comment:

Darla said...

I love this! Happy Anniversary to an amazing couple!