Thursday, April 8, 2010

Lots O' Learning!

I've been in Medicine Hat since last Friday shadowing under Rachel Shultz of Madchen Studios (pronounce Maychen which is german for "little girl") and have been learning a ton! I'm FINALLY getting accustomed to Mac computers and might just have to spend the *money* on one! She's been showing me all sorts of tricks and tips to save money on backdrops and reflectors and everything and I'm so excited! She's also been letting me do some of her editing (Brave girl!) and today was allowed to pick out some of my favorite images from the shoot! She also let me design a baby announcement card for one of her customers! She's mainly a children's photographer that does families and weddings too. Today we got to photograph and adorable one year old boy with these HUGE blue eyes and spiky blonde hair. He was such a ham for the camera! It's been so much fun and I'm looking forward to the next week with her!

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