Tuesday, June 11, 2013

2 years

2 whole years. Wow. Today is our 2nd anniversary and I can tell you the years have both just flown by, but at the same time it feels like this should be at least our 5th anniversary. It feels like we have been together forever. It's been amazing, but I will say this 2nd year has been more challenging than the 1st. We have definitely had quite the year of learning and trials what with buying our first home, adjusting to that first home and now doing renovations. We've also been learning how to deal with busyness and are working on figuring out our priorities with the busyness so we don't become completely worn out.
 Logan has again proven to be the excellent husband in all aspects. I've learned this year that he is extremely generous and loves to give to others, both of finances and time and labor. He loves the body of Christ and really enjoys being plugged in. He is a diligent and hard worker. Tonight he is working on putting our flooring in the basement and is running into quite a few problems, but he realizes it needs to be done and is powering through. He is responsible with that and i appreciate it very much. He is also my accountability and is amazing and keeping me grounded. I tend to over react and get stressed over ridiculous things, but he's always there to bring me back down to earth and shake me awake to reality. He's not exactly what I thought I would end up with, but he is everything I needed and the Lord knew what he was doing when he put us together. These 2 years have been challenging but amazing. I love sharing life with my best friend. As I always say, I love my Logan!


Darla said...


Janessa said...

Happy Anniversary!!!