Monday, June 10, 2013

One big step finished

 I'm actually writing this post from our bus as I am on a work trip right now and on my way to Jasper. We have about 30 minutes until we arrive, i had my phone with pictures on it and a laptop with an internet connection so why not update :)
My dad came up to Grande Prairie this weekend to help us with tiling our downstairs bathroom. He's done it many times before and actually owned the necessary tools to do it so he was able to come give us a hand and teach us a thing or two about tiling!
He showed up Thursday night and we basically worked on it non stop until Saturday night after grouting the floor. We took a break, ordered pizza and watched a movie. It was lovely :)
Dad and Logan starting the shower stall tiling

 The floor as it is being done! Those tiles are 12x24 so they are massive and they are also EXTREMELY tough. The tile saw by the end of the night refused to cut through any of the big tiles anymore. They also look like wood planks which i was pleasantly surprised by. Close up they just look like grey tiles with white paint brush strokes, but overall they look like a whitewash grey oak type wood. Gorgeous!
The finished shower stall! We still need to grout it but it will pretty much look exactly the same. We are doing black grout in the shower stall to give it a nice contast with the white tile. Also, that decorative strip is actually brown marbled type tile and it perfectly matches our counter top for the sink so it worked out really well!

Overall, I love the bathroom! I'm tempted to move the master bedroom to the basement now so we can enjoy it ;)

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