Thursday, March 5, 2015

Update Post (lots o pics!)

I am finally getting around to doing an update post! It's been a busy few months and also a sick few months so we are finally on the mend and looking forward to spring. Winter has been far too long!

Adrienne is 8 months old now and very busy! She started crawling about a month and a half ago and is just motoring all over the place now! It has been busy but nice for me as she can now entertain herself and I am able to clean more efficiently because she can follow me from room to room if she wants to rather than me having to move her every time I move to a new area. 
 She has been so busy crawling around that she hasn't gained a whole lot of weight so she is around 20 pounds right now. She is a goofball and loves to play rough. She is constantly smiling and laughs quite frequently. I think she may end up being a bit of a drama queen because she can go from smiling to mad in just a few seconds.
 She loves to eat paper. Any kind of paper. At Christmas time she was all about the wrapping paper. Now that she can crawl, she's all about bathroom garbage can paper *yuck.* Needless to say, that door stays closed now :)
She recently learned how to kiss us, so she has been generous and plants big slobbery open mouthed kisses on Logan and I. It is very sweet, but she's also been sick, so that big slobbery kiss also becomes boogery which is less sweet.
 She has started to wave sporadically, can clap her hands and says "mama." She loves tags and will sit for quite some time and just play with the tag on a stuffed animal.
 She also loves keys, and will get mad at me when I take the car keys away from her. Of course play keys will not do because they aren't the real thing.
 She absolutely adores people and especially other kids. Everytime we go out she watches all the other kids and will laugh at them and smile, even if they are crying or whining. She just thinks other kids are especially funny!
 Her heart murmur has closed up which is an answer to prayer! Here she is at 6 months old getting an ultrasound done to check on it. She did very well in spite of it being nap time!
 She loves to be outside and go for walks which has been a bit of a challenge with the cold. We are very much looking forward to summer so we can go to the park and she can play and run around! We also have a splash park at our city park so we can play in the water and the playground! This summer is going to be fun :)
 This christmas we had hoped to go to Regina, but with Logan's job it did not work out to get that much time off so we ended up spending christmas with my family in Edmonton. It was very nice and was the first Christmas we spent with family since before we were married!

Andi received a snow sled from my friends mom for christmas so she loved going for ride in that on Christmas day!
 She loved spending time with her cousins the most I think. Her cousin Tyler especially loved spending time with her and he would push her around in a walker and she would squeal and laugh and was sad when he stopped! I'm pretty sure he pushed her around in the walker for an hour or more!
 Cousin Love! 
 My mom made Andi and Hailey matching dresses. We tried to get a nice picture of the two of them but they always seemed to be on opposite schedules. This was the only one we got where Hailey wasn't crying!
 I used to sleep like this when I was her age apparently! 
 Special Andi Lego :)

 One activity we decided to do was "finger paint." I made edible finger paints out of baby cereal and food coloring and then let her play with it in the tub! She loved it for a bit, but I think the cereal got a little cold and so she started to get mad after about 15 minutes, but it sure was cute!

 She had her first encounter with puppies this winter! Brent and Chantelle's dogs had a litter of puppies so we had to go out and see them! she wasn't too interested in them for the most part, but she was a little curious about them!

She is such an incredible joy and delight our little Andi girl! 

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