Friday, January 23, 2009


I got my wisdom teeth removed yesterday! It went really well surprisingly. All the teeth came out relatively easy (except the sideways one, but that was expected) and I even laughed sometimes during the procedure! My dentist was leaning on the water hose and he kept spraying himself, so I laughed, and I had blood in my mouth, so because I was laughing, I accidentally spit some blood up close to the nurse, so she laughed. It was a good time haha. Afterwards she told me she never had a patient that laughed when they were pulling teeth. So at least I was able to keep some good moods about it :) So far recovery has been pretty good, except yesterday I fainted (That was scary) I barely ate anything yesterday so I was really hungry. Then I took a T-3 and went and had a hot bath...not so smart. After I got out of the bath, I went downstairs to hug my mom before going to bed, and I blacked out for a good thirty seconds. I couldn't see or hear anything, and I "woke" up slowly to my mom yelling at me seeing if I was ok I still couldn't hear her really and I was really dazed and didn't know what was going on. so she sat me on the couch and I threw up and could hear and was finally able to be coherent. It was definitely scary. My mom thought I was going to seizure. But today, I'm doing much better. A lot more sore and swollen then yesterday, and Logan requested a picture of my chipmunk face, so here it is. I just woke up when we took this picture, so bear with me :P

Not as swollen as I expected, but I'm taking ibuprofen. So that makes it easier!


Darla said...

I hope you don't get dry socket. OUCH. That was worse than the whole procedure etc. And don't try to eat tortilla chips too soon, it really isn't worth it...and I hope you get back to normal quickly!!

Em and Hannah said...

Hey Kari - glad you're recovering! I had my wisdom teeth pulled out in August - but I requested that they knock me out:-) haha. Yep, and then after the surgery, T3s and ibuprofen became my good friends!. Hope you're feeling better soon; eat lots of ice cream and mushy avacado. ( or anything else mushy for that matter) lol.

Kari said...

Thanks Guys! So far so good, no dry socket yet anyways :P and I actually was able to move to solid food right away ( I just had to chew with my front teeth, which made quite a sight :P) and It took forever to eat, but I still did haha :) I'm pretty well back to normal now, just getting the stitches out on thursday!