Friday, February 26, 2010

PPOC Image Competition

If you haven't heard of the PPOC it is the Professional Photographers of Canada and it's a great association to get involved with. Anyways, they're having this big symposium conference thing this weekend and as a project at school, we were all required to submit 2 images into their print competition for judging. I decided to enter four since it was the same price to enter two as it was to enter four, so it just seemed like a good idea. Unfortunately for me, only one of my prints was accepted but at least I got one in! So that was nice. It was a long day though. I ended up staying from 9:30 - 4 today to watch them judge all the images, and there were some pretty amazing ones! Anyways, the one image that did get accepted was the one I took of Logan in October! You can see it in this post and it is the very first image to show. It's also one of my most favorite photos to date!

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