My mom has this little cookbook that I used for the first time (Making our traditional Christmas slush...recipe to follow) and I was reading through it while I was waiting for the sugar water to boil. There's some really neat things in there! Allow me to type a few tidbits.
"God never asks about our ability or our inability but about our availability."
"The Crown of the Home is Godliness. The beauty of the home is order. The glory of the home is hospitality. The blessing of the home is contentment. 'As for me and my house, we will Serve the Lord!'"
My Kitchen Prayer"Man shall not live by bread alone
Our Lord and Master said,
But by the living Word of God,
Our souls must needs be fed.
So as I cook and serve the meals,
I will sincerely pray.
That I shall give, along with food,
Some Christ-like love today.
Now as I clear the meal away,
and wash the pots and pans,
Dear God, please cleanse my thoughts and heart
with thine own loving hands.
Man shall not live by bread alone,
So we do pray, dear Lord,
'Please make us very hungry
For a knowledge of thy Word.'"
A funny :)
Hazards of baking - By a young motherTurn on oven to heat, get bowl, spoons, ingredients; grease pan, crack nuts, remove 18 blocks and 7 toy cars from kitchen table. Measure two cups of flour, get baking powder, remove Johnny's hands from flour; wash flour off Johnny. Put flour, baking powder and salt into sifter, get dust pan--brush up pieces of bowl Johnny knocked onto floor. Get another bowl. Answer door bell. Return to kitchen. Remove Johnny's hands from bowl, Wash shortening, etc. off him. Get one egg; answer the telephone. Return. Clean egg off floor and remove 1/4 inch salt from pan. Slap Johnny's hands; take greased pan and empty out layer of nutshells. Pick up pieces of bowl, pulled off by Johnny as he fled. Look for Johnny. Put Johnny to bed for nap. Wash kitchen floor. Wash table. Wash walls. Wash dishes. Call bakery. Lie down
"There's so much bad in the best of us and so much good in the worst of us that it hardly behooves any of us to talk about the rest of us."
"I shall pass through this world but once. Any good therefore that I can do or any kindness that I can show to any human being let me do it now. Let me not defer or neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again."
"One who has light views of sin will never have great thoughts about God."
"The woman who drives from the back seat is no worse than the man that cooks from the kitchen table." :)
"Lord, bless the food on these dishes as you blessed the loaves and the fishes; and as the sugar hides in the tea So let us hide in thee, Amen!"
There's so many other cute and funny and good quotes in there. Those are just a few of my faves :)